Bridlington is a popular seaside town located on the North East coast of England, known for it's rich marine heritage. Central to it's history is the coble , a traditional fishing boat which was developed on the North East coast of England in the 1900s.
Bridlington Coble Festival was held on the 29th and 30th of June 2024 at Bridlington Harbour. As a key supporters of the event, Teamac were particularly eager to see the various cobles coated in our specialised Teamac Marine Paints, providing them with the best durability while out at sea.
The day gives people the opportunity to see history come to life, make new friends, listen to traditional folk music and visit local stalls and exhibitions.
"The Festival went really well again this year. The weather was good and we sailed on both days, which hasn't happened for the last two years, and we were all delighted to be joined by a pod of dolphins on Sunday to finish the Festival in style. " Julie Coultas Bridlington Sailing Coble Preservation Society Secretary and owner of Kathleen who is proudly painted in Teamac Marine".

Thank you to everyone who participated and made Bridlington Coble Festival 2024 such a success.